
Did you know that Elton John was born Reginald Dwight?  Or that Margaret Hyra decided she had a better chance of making it if she changed her name to Meg Ryan?

We found a great list online of celebrities and their real names.

Here are our other favorites.  See if you can guess who each one is:

#1.)  Patricia Andrzejewski . . . Pat Benatar.

#2.)  Maurice Micklewhite . . . Michael Caine.

#3.)  Cornelius Chase . . . Chevy Chase.

#4.)  Steven Tallarico . . . Steven Tyler.

#5.)  Carlos Ray Norris . . . Chuck Norris.

#6.)  Joan Molinsky . . . Joan Rivers.

#7.)  Katheryn Hudson . . . Katy Perry.

#8.)  Demetria Guynes . . . Demi Moore.

#9.)  Mark Vincent . . . Vin Diesel.

#10.)  Eric Bishop . . . Jamie Foxx.

#11.)  Ilyena Mironoff . . . Helen Mirren.

#12.)  Walter Willis . . . Bruce Willis.

#13.)  Natalie Hershlag . . . Nathalie Portman.

#14.)  Tara Patrick . . . Carmen Electra.

#15.)  Caryn Johnson . . . Whoopi Goldberg.

#16.)  Louis Szekely . . . Louis C.K.

#17.)  Declan MacManus . . . Elvis Costello.

#18.)  Lawrence Zeigler . . . Larry King.

#19.)  Anna Bullock . . . Tina Turner.

#20.)  Allen Konigsberg . . . Woody Allen.

Check out the full list of 45 names over at The Huffington Post.

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