
Meet the World’s Biggest Albino Family…All Ten of Them! [VIDEO]
Meet the World’s Biggest Albino Family…All Ten of Them! [VIDEO]
Meet the World’s Biggest Albino Family…All Ten of Them! [VIDEO]
The people at Guinness World Records are in the process of certifying a family in India that might be the world's biggest albino family. Both parents are albino...bright white skin and white hair, even though they're Indian...and they have six albino children. One of their children married another albino, and they had an albino child together. So, that's ten albinos in all.
A Group Won a Talent Show in India by Hitting Each Other with Sledge Hammers, Eating Florescent Lights, and Running Each Other Over with a Car [VIDEO]
A Group Won a Talent Show in India by Hitting Each Other with Sledge Hammers, Eating Florescent Lights, and Running Each Other Over with a Car [VIDEO]
A Group Won a Talent Show in India by Hitting Each Other with Sledge Hammers, Eating Florescent Lights, and Running Each Other Over with a Car [VIDEO]
Some of the contestants on shows like "America's Got Talent" are so annoying, you wanna go after them with a sledge hammer. But in India, you don't have to worry about it because they'll do it THEMSELVES.